
Modern Classics: Oil on Canvas Paintings

Modern Classics: Oil on Canvas Paintings by Mitch Griffiths Published May 19, 2022 Contemporary artist Mitch Griffiths echoes the work of the old masters with his richly detailed oil paintings. “Inspired by the canon of representational painting and its enduring duty to hold a mirror to the civilisations which act as patron, Griffiths has adapted an old medium to the scrutiny of a new world. With an initial approach which is surprisingly loose, Griffiths works in a direct and open-form style of application; rapidly manipulating generalised...


How to take your fledgling business to the next level

AUTHOR: MICHAEL JOHNSON  Developing a fledgling business. Where to begin? No matter what your service or product, you’re going to need a vibrant and easily identifiable online presence. Even if you’ve budgeted for a storefront design that will turn heads and filter the crowds in from the streets, lack of proper attention to your online offering is like only firing up one of the plane’s engines and acting like there’s no possible way that things could be better. So. You’ll need...